20+ Most Common Sayings in Australia and What it Means

20+ Most Common Sayings in Australia and What it Means

Australia is a country and continent located in the southern hemisphere, bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the east and the Indian Ocean to the west. It is the world's sixth-largest country in terms of land area, with a population of over 25 million people. The capital city is Canberra, but the largest and most well-known city is Sydney. Other major cities include Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide.


Meaning:  a greeting meaning "hello" or "good day"

No worries 

Meaning:  a phrase used to say "it's okay" or "no problem"

Fair dinkum  

Meaning:  an expression used to say "really" or "true"


 Meaning:  a term used to address a friend or acquaintance


Meaning:  an abbreviation for "afternoon"

She'll be right

Meaning:  an expression meaning "it will be okay"

Good on ya - 

Meaning:   a phrase used to say "well done" or "congratulations"

How ya going?

Meaning:  a question meaning "how are you?"

Bloody oath

Meaning:  an expression meaning "absolutely" or "definitely"

Chuck a sickie

Meaning:  a term used to describe someone taking a fake sick day from work


Meaning:  an exclamation meaning "wow" or "oh my goodness"


Meaning:  an expression used to describe something great or excellent

Fair go 

Meaning:  a phrase meaning "give me a chance" or "that's not fair"


 Meaning:  a derogatory term used to describe someone who is uncultured or unsophisticated

Veg out

Meaning:  an expression meaning to relax or do nothing

Chockers -

  Meaning:  a term used to describe something that is very full or crowded


Meaning:  an Australian tradition of cooking food outdoors on a grill


Meaning:  a type of footwear that are often called flip-flops in other parts of the world


Meaning:  an abbreviation for "biscuit", meaning a cookie or cracker


Meaning:  an abbreviation for "breakfast"

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